Celebrating the work of NXplorers participants across the globe

Celebrating the work of NXplorers participants across the globe

The second annual NXplorers Awards took place on January 20th to celebrate the exceptional work of students in 2021.

Through NXplorers, these young people went through a hands-on transformational journey into a new way of thinking to enable them to experience, lead and advocate change. They applied critical thinking to find solutions to complex social issues facing their communities and countries – with fantastic results.

Exceptional NXplorers Project by a Student Team

Team El Terratix, from the Philippines, won the Gold Award for Exceptional NXplorers Project by a Student Team. They reimagined soil testing as a portable smart device that gathers soil data and analysed it within 15 minutes, providing recommendations on how to enrich it. By better understanding their soil conditions, farmers can optimise their crop production during the land preparation phase.

We also celebrated Silver and Bronze Award Winners for Exceptional NXplorers Project by a Student Team:

  • Silver – Team Water Hackers – Malaysia

  • Silver – Team Smart Floating Farm– India

  • Bronze – Team L’Atelier Durable - Brazil

  • Bronze – Team Wheat Husk – India

  • Bronze – Team VAD – Malaysia

NXplorers exists to give an opportunity to students across the globe, and the high quality of submissions we receive - submissions that tackle a diverse range of issues facing global communities - is testament to what can be achieved when the next generation has a chance to unleash their ingenuity to the fullest.” – Harry Brekelmans, Projects & Technology (P&T) Director

Team El Terratix, Philippines
Team El Terratix, Philippines

Outstanding NXplorers Team

The Gold Award for the Exceptional NXplorers Project by a Student Team was awarded to Team Awasir, from Oman. Noticing decreasing banana cultivation in their town, the team designed an awareness campaign to create an understanding of how to reverse the trend. They engaged with local farmers, businesses and government to get support for their solutions, all while planting over 1,000 new banana trees in their region.

We also celebrated Silver and Bronze Award Winners for Outstanding NXplorers Teams:

  • Silver – Team De 3 Lions – Malaysia

  • Silver – Team Portable Hydro Electricity Generator – India

  • Bronze – Team META – Malaysia

  • Bronze – Team Hydrogen Bond – Singapore

  • Bronze – Team Free Energy Water Pump – India

Team Awasir, Oman
Team Awasir, Oman

Recognising facilitators and mentors

The NXplorers Awards also highlights the excellent teachers, facilitators and Shell mentors who applied their skills and knowledge to support students with their projects. Around the globe, the NXplorers team helps to instill problem-solving skills which they can use to solve real-world problems. Find out about the Excellence in Facilitation and Inspiring NXplorers Mentor Award Winners here.

You can hear more about the winning projects by watching a recording of the Awards show here.


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